Lilawadi offers discounted rates for couples. Enjoy a couples massage or a massage combined with wellness even cheaper. For more information, see our price list.
Prices for services are in euros and include VAT. Payment in our salons is only possible in cash, you can also pay by credit card when booking online. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you on the appropriate type and duration of massage.

How Thai massage for two helps
How does the massage work?
How does a massage for two work?

1. Prepare for a pleasant experience
2. You will enjoy a massage
3. You will enjoy the effects of the massage

Our masseuses and masseurs are qualified professionals with many years of experience. They know how to touch your body and soul. Put yourself in the best hands.

More about Thai massage for two
Couples massage brings a perfect experience if it is performed by partners or friends. It creates a closeness of a person who shares the feelings of the performed Thai massage. An influx of positive energy comes into the body and psychological experience, which fills with life.
Thai massage for two is a pleasurable and intimate experience that can strengthen the relationship between partners. Indulge in this experience together, at Lilawadi Salons. Before your massage, you can also visit our SPA with saunas, whirlpools or whirlpool baths. One to two hours in the SPA centre will warm up your muscles and prepare you for the beneficial effects of the massage. Enjoy a few hours of couple time together.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you on the type and duration of the massage.
Get in touch
Lilawadi salons can be found in up to six different locations within Bratislava. We are close to you everywhere.