Head and face massage
Head and facial massage has many beneficial effects on a person’s physical and mental health. It relaxes the muscles of the head and neck, can help with headaches, dizziness and sleep disturbances, and last but not least, it is beneficial for beauty.
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How head, ear and face massage helps
Head massage relieves tension in the temples and temple area, effectively helping with headaches and migraines. It also stimulates the hair roots and promotes healthy hair growth.
Ear massage uses the principles of traditional Chinese medicine - the earlobe contains a number of acupressure points connected to organs throughout the body. Their stimulation improves the function of the organs.
Facial massage activates the facial muscles, promotes microcirculation in the skin and helps reduce wrinkles. Regular facial massage slows down the aging process and gives the skin a youthful appearance.
In our salon, you can choose this massage complemented by premium care with a BIO collagen mask with gold micro-particles, which deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin.
Head, ear and face massage is an excellent choice for mental exhaustion, sleep or concentration problems. It helps to relieve stress and induce a deep state of relaxation.
How does the massage work?
How does the head and face massage work?

1. Prepare your face for the procedure
2. Mask application
3. Massage and oil application

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you on the type and duration of the massage.
Get in touch
Lilawadi salons can be found in up to six different locations within Bratislava. We are close to you everywhere.