Special back, neck, head and hand massage
Is the upper half of your body strained by sitting all day or, on the contrary, by manual work? Do you suffer from lack of movement or poor posture? It is high time to come to us and treat yourself to a special massage of the back, neck, head and hands.
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How a special massage of the back, neck, head and hands helps
Massaging the muscles of the spine of the back will release stiff spots, pain and tension in the muscles and help to relieve muscle spasms.
Hand massage is suitable if you do manual work where the shoulders and hands are stressed. Similarly, it has a beneficial effect on hands that are stressed by micro-movements, e.g. computer work, typing, etc.
Shoulder and hand massage is often sought by people with pain in the shoulder stemming from stiff, stuck or overstretched muscles or in recovery from injury.
This massage is also suitable for pain and blockage in the neck, between the shoulder blades, sacral area, shoulders and arms.
By focusing also on the neck and head area, the massage is extremely effective in inducing a feeling of relaxation and can help with headaches and migraines.
How does the massage work?
How does the special massage of the back, neck, head and hands work?

1. Prepare for a pleasant experience
2. You will enjoy a massage
3. You will enjoy the effects of the massage

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you on the type and duration of the massage.
Get in touch
Lilawadi salons can be found in up to six different locations within Bratislava. We are close to you everywhere.