20. November 2022

Tips on how to take care of yourself during the winter and keep yourself in a good mood

Even the most optimistic person can experience emotional swings, stress, despondency, feelings of dull stereotype or fatigue these days. Fortunately, there are practical ways to experience bursts of joy even now. And actually, whenever you’re not in your own skin.

Interesting fact: Did you know there are two types of stress? Excessive stress, which negatively affects performance and normal functioning in life, and eustress – positive stress that stimulates higher performance and motivates a person to action.

Delight your senses

Winter is the ideal time to relax. Since you are now more likely to be tired, not and not to move and force yourself to many activities and duties, give yourself a rest. With wellness centres bursting at the seams on colder days, it’s a good idea to book a private spa. It’s up to you whether you go there with your partner or take a ladies’ or gents’ spa with your friends.

What about a Thai massage? Bratislava is full of our salons

Are you tempted by a massage, but you’re tired of the classic relaxation massage and your back needs urgent relaxation? Thai massage will take care of the feelings of rebirth, remove tension and increase your good mood. But the effects don’t end there – it also detoxifies the body, relieves pain and leads to harmonising the flow of energy in the body. And we need that like salt in winter.

Do something for others

We believe that you enjoy putting a smile on the face of others. Besides the fact that you will be happy for the good deed, you never know who you will change their day or life for the better. Every little thing counts.

You may decide to donate clothes that have been sitting in your closet for a long time or books that you haven’t opened in years. New friendships can even be formed through good deeds. And that’s always a nice refreshment during grey and gloomy days.

Spend less time on social networks

Scrolling on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok can cut off a lot of your precious time. Waking up and lying in bed with a smartphone in your hand is not good for any person. The reason is simple – you get used to social networking very quickly, until it grows into an addiction over time.

Life slips through your fingers while you’re watching meaningless videos for hours on end. It sounds annoying, but it’s a fact. And that kind of daily routine definitely won’t do you any good this winter. Try calling your loved ones or visiting family and spending time with them in person instead.

Try to make the most of sunny days

You can chase away the winter blues by spending time outdoors in the fresh air. Ideally, when it’s sunny, but a 15-minute morning walk under a cloud will also improve your mood. The important thing is not to spend all your free time in bed or on the sofa in front of the TV. A few hours of a series marathon will make you even more tired. Movement = life. Think of it these days and treat yourself to quality care.

We hope you find our tips helpful. If you’re interested in a Thai massage or relaxing in the wellness area of our salons, we’d love to welcome you. We have recently opened two additional locations in Bratislava – one at Gorkého 1 and the other at Pajštúnská 1. Another new addition is the reconstruction of the Farského Street. Have you been visiting it regularly? You can look forward to nicer and improved premises!



Take a moment just for yourself and your health. You can book your Lilawadi massage online quickly and conveniently from the comfort of your home. Just choose the type of massage and the date that suits you best.