20. May 2022

How to do a spring detox?

What is detox?

In this article, you will read about several types of detoxes you can try at home. Detoxification is actually a cleansing of the body, the purpose of which is to remove toxins in the body. We live in times when harmful substances are absolutely everywhere. The human body is so perfect that it can deal with these substances, the liver is used for this.

But cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, medicines, unhealthy diet, polluted air and chemicals all around us make it difficult for the liver. Sleep problems, stress, sedentary jobs and lack of exercise also complicate detoxification. How to support it in a natural way and lighten the body?

Quit alcohol and cigarettes

Or at least limit them. You can increase your fruit and vegetable intake, but if you don’t replace alcohol with cigarettes, you’ll do little good. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and in the process is converted to acetyldehyde, which has cancer-causing effects. By regularly consuming alcohol, the liver becomes weak and over time is no longer able to perform its role 100%. The same applies to cigarettes. By smoking, you clog and literally suffocate your lungs, whose job it is to oxygenate the blood and distribute it throughout the body. If you decide to quit, your body will thank you very much.

Reach for detoxifying herbs

It is said that nature has in itself the cure for all diseases. Many herbs are used as supportive treatment for common and more serious ailments. You can also use them to help you cleanse your body. Milk thistle has a beneficial effect on the liver, as it promotes the elimination of toxins, protects and regenerates its tissue. The metabolism is also supported by nettle and digestion by burdock or spearmint. Parsley or dandelion will help cleanse the kidneys.

The Fifth

Many people can’t imagine a day without food. However, Ayurveda recommends regular fasts. You can also indulge in a multi-day fast where you consume only fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas and plain water. It is best to include juices and smoothies in your daily diet.

Thai aroma massage

Spring detox will also be supported by a Thai aroma massage, which will bring the body and mind back into balance. Stimulation of acupressure points induces a permanent state of relaxation, releases energy blocks, energy flow and supports the function of the lymphatic system, which keeps the immune system in balance. Combined with natural essential oils, one is brought to a deep inner peace.

More tips

  • limit consumption of industrially processed food and salt
  • exclude sugar
  • Exercise regularly and take walks in nature
  • get plenty of sleep and don’t go to bed with your mobile phone
  • incorporate breathing or meditation exercises into your routine


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