Aromaterapia počas tehotenstva - je vhodná-
13. March 2025

Aromatherapy during pregnancy – is it suitable?

Pregnancy is a unique journey full of joy, anticipation, but also new challenges. During this time, it’s natural to look for ways to support your body and mind. Aromatherapy, using essential oils, can be one tool to improve well-being during pregnancy. However, it is important to approach it with caution and awareness.

Aromatherapy in pregnancy: yes or no?

Let’s start by saying that there is no blanket ban on the use of essential oils during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to be particularly careful when using them, especially in the first trimester, when the foundations of all the baby’s organ systems are being formed. It is often recommended to avoid the use of essential oils altogether during this period.

There is evidence that some essential oils may have therapeutic effects that can alleviate common pregnancy ailments as well as calm anxiety.

When used properly, some essential oils can provide the following benefits:

  • help minimize nausea and upset stomach
  • soothe sore muscles
  • help reduce irritation and swelling associated with hemorrhoids
  • reduce the appearance of stretch marks
  • help reduce anxiety during childbirth

What about aromatherapy and children? Find out everything important in our article.

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Essential oils can relieve common pregnancy ailments

Essential oils suitable for pregnant women

From the second trimester onwards, it is possible to consider using certain essential oils that are considered safe:

  • Lavender oil: It has calming effects, helps with insomnia and anxiety. Studies have shown that aromatherapy with lavender oil is safe and effective for reducing stress in pregnant women and supporting immune function.

TIP: Take a portable diffuser with you to the hospital and add a few drops of pure lavender oil to set a relaxing mood. However, avoid inhaling the vapor directly from the diffuser, as this can irritate the mucous membranes in your nose.

  • Chamomile oil: Promotes relaxation and can help with indigestion. It has been shown that there are two types of chamomile, each of which serves a different purpose.

Roman chamomile, according to the study , is a great option to promote relaxation and fight off severe migraine attacks. In contrast, German chamomile can be used after childbirth to help restore skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Rose oil: is a great choice for reducing anxiety and has calming effects. Similar to lavender, rose oil can help relieve anxiety during childbirth, according to one 2014 study.

Since most people like the smell of roses, this can be a great option if you’re not a fan of the scent of lavender. This oil is suitable for aromatherapy use and should be added to a diffuser.

  • Lemon oil: if you’re struggling with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, lemon oil could be just the relief you’re looking for. According to research, lemon oil reduces the frequency of nausea and vomiting.
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Aromatherapy with lavender oil is safe and effective for reducing stress in pregnant women

Essential oils to avoid during pregnancy

Many essential oils are pronounced harmful during pregnancy, either because they can cause complications (such as uterine contractions) or because experts are simply unsure how they might affect a pregnant mom or fetus.

Avoid these essential oils during pregnancy:

  • Clary sage: May stimulate uterine contractions.
  • Rosemary: May increase blood pressure and stimulate the uterus.
  • Cinnamon: Has strong blood thinning effects that may not be desirable in pregnancy.
  • Basil: May stimulate the uterus and increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Camphor: May be toxic and cause cramps.
  • Marjoram: May stimulate the uterus and cause miscarriage.
  • Peppermint: May stimulate the uterus and cause miscarriage.
  • Wormwood: Contains thujone, which is neurotoxic and can cause convulsions and miscarriage.
  • Fennel: May have estrogenic effects and stimulate the uterus.
  • Clove: May have strong vasodilatory effects and stimulate the uterus.

This is not a complete list of potentially dangerous oils for pregnant women, so consult a professional before using any essential oil.

Safe use of aromatherapy during pregnancy

There is a general concern that essential oils can turn into toxic compounds once absorbed into a pregnant woman’s bloodstream. According to experts, this is not a problem when the correct doses are used.

If you decide to use aromatherapy during pregnancy, follow these guidelines:

  • Consult a specialist: Consult a certified aromatherapist or your doctor before using any essential oil.
  • Dilution of oils: Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil (e.g., almond or jojoba) at a safe concentration.
  • Do not use essential oils internally: Essential oils should not be taken orally. Many essential oils can pose a risk of toxicity if ingested – to you and potentially to your baby.
  • Follow the recommended dosage: Exceeding the recommended dosage can be dangerous – especially if you use them topically. Dilute oils thoroughly according to directions.
  • Inhalation: Diffusing oils in a room is often safer than applying them to the skin.
  • Sensitivity test: test a small amount of the mixture on a small patch of skin before applying to a larger area of skin to avoid an allergic reaction.
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Diffusing the oils is safer than applying them to the skin.


Aromatherapy can be a useful tool during pregnancy to promote well-being and relaxation. However, it is essential to approach it with caution, awareness and always consult a professional for its use. Your health and the health of your baby come first.

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