27. April 2023

Tips to help relieve lower back pain

Causes of sore lower back

Once a top contortionist, today she can barely get out of bed. Those who do not take a moment to regenerate alongside excessive physical activity, whether at the gym or at work, may weep in a few years’ time. Their back will not be what it is now and they will feel it even when they bend down. The other extreme is also a problem – lack of exercise and doing nothing.

On the other hand, there are other causes of lower back pain – arthritis, an unfortunate accident, aging, faulty posture, being overweight. Regardless of the cause of low back pain, there are a few general recommendations. If you have yet to develop pain, incorporate them into your routine. In the case of a serious injury, you should discuss each recommendation with your doctor.

1. During activities, make sure you have good posture

To protect the sacral area when performing physical activities, it is important to maintain proper posture. Especially if you play sports or have a job during which you repeat the same movement. Try not to slouch and bend at the knees when bending, not at the waist. Engage your hips when turning from side to side.

2. How do you sit?

You can avoid lower back pain by keeping the correct sitting posture. People with sedentary jobs have a bad habit of slouching and having one leg draped over the other. People working from home also tend to have bad habits. Many times they work from bed in an awkward position that puts a strain on the sacrum.

If you have a sedentary job, keep your feet flat on the floor and use an ergonomic chair to give your spine support. Don’t forget to take breaks to stretch or walk around the apartment.

3. Stretch your whole body every day

Stretching exercises are often mentioned in connection with a healthy spine. For some, it is a common thing that they can’t imagine a day without. If you don’t stretch regularly, we recommend you start right away.

Such a simple thing helps relieve both acute and chronic spinal pain and can prevent future serious problems. Since the back musculature is made up of different muscles, you should do a variety of exercises. Some of the suitable exercises for the sacral area include the following:

  • Lie on your back and pull your knees to your chest,
  • lie on your back and slowly raise your pelvis,
  • lie on your back, arms out to the sides, bend your legs at the knees and slowly roll to one side and then the other,
  • lie on your stomach with your arms extended above your head and lift your chest and legs up.

4. Go for a traditional Thai massage

Along with exercise and proper posture, a Thai massage will relieve your lower back pain. We have several Lilawadi salons in Bratislava, where professional masseuses with years of experience will take care of you.

Combining massage and acupressure techniques, they will relax the stiff muscles in the sacral area, which will become engorged, making you more flexible. Although you will feel better after your first Thai massage, we recommend that you have it regularly. In addition to the physical body, the soul will also relax and you will feel an overall lightness of being. And that’s what we all need.

5. Wear the right shoes

Good quality, sturdy shoes support the feet, increase stability, and help improve posture. If you wear the wrong shoes at work and walk a lot, not only your feet suffer, but your whole back. When you lie down in bed after a full day, it may happen that the pain in the lower back does not let you sleep.

Make sure you wear appropriate footwear with every activity – trainers for running/exercise, protective footwear at work. Don’t worry, wearing flip flops or heels occasionally won’t hurt your lower back, but we don’t recommend wearing them regularly. Wearing them frequently increases the pressure on your lower back.

6. Sleep on a good quality mattress

People suffering from lower back pain usually benefit from sleeping on a medium-firm mattress. However, your choice of mattress should also be influenced by your preferred sleeping position. If you sleep on your side, reach for a softer mattress.

If you only sleep on your back or side, a firmer mattress is best. However, sleeping on your stomach is not recommended for lower back problems. From a practical point of view, it is advisable to reach for a double-sided mattress – one part softer and the other harder.

Do you need perfect relaxation? Browse our range of massage treatments and book your massage appointment today.



Take a moment just for yourself and your health. You can book your Lilawadi massage online quickly and conveniently from the comfort of your home. Just choose the type of massage and the date that suits you best.